Opening the door to science and inviting the world
Students for Open Science in Psychology was founded by students and continues to be run by students. We also partner with interested faculty members to help generate ideas for articles, provide mentorship to volunteers, and build networks. If you want to get involved, choose the position that is the best fit for you:
For students who want to push the boundaries of research
Students who volunteer with Students for Open Science are passionate, motivated, and organized. They envision a world where scientific research does more than inform other researchers: it informs the world.
Students work alone or with a team to transform peer-reviewed, published articles into brief, informative reports, infographics, and even short videos. The purpose of these creations is to translate academic findings into accessible, jargon-free, and widely shareable resources for anyone.
Students must be connected to a research lab, and be supervised by a faculty member that encourages their participation in Students for Open Science.
Interested in getting involved? Follow these three steps:
1. Speak to your current supervisor or advisor about getting involved, and ask them to choose one or two recently published articles that they would like to see turned into Students for Open Science posts.
2. Contact us and tell us who you are working with, what your research interests are, and why you think open science is important.
3. Commit to creating one blog post per semester.
For more information, click on the contact us button.
For researchers who want the world to benefit from their findings
Faculty members and advisors that are a part of Students for Open Science are excited by the possibility to encourage participation in knowledge creation, translation, and mobilization.
Supervisors contribute to their students' participation in Students for Open Science by identifying a short list of articles that they have recently published that they feel could have a positive impact, or that represent key findings that should be disseminated to the larger community.
Interested in getting involved? Follow these three steps:
1. Speak with the students in your lab about getting involved in Students for Open Science
2. Create a short list of articles you would like to see shared on our platform and across the network
3. Optional: volunteer to be a Students for Open Science mentor. Mentoring involves providing feedback on student posts and sharing content across your networks when appropriate.
For more information, click on the contact us button.